014 – Assessment!

On this Friday we had the very first Constant Velocity Quiz.  I assessed them on CVPM.1 – I can translate from one motion representation to another for an object with a constant velocity, and CVPM.2.  I differentiate between position, distance, displacement, speed and velocity.  The students took the quiz then gathered around my teacher desk and began the process of giving themselves immediate feedback.  I had many copies of the answer key and they took my red pens and set out to correcting things and adding stars/happy faces to the things that they got correct.  They mentioned that they greatly enjoyed the chance to instantly see their results and add feedback.  I haven’t had a chance to actually give them a grade but I was glad that they had some feedback.  I also stole the following picture from someone on Twitter.  It was used in their exit slip as they graded themselves.

I know that they probably will not have their best grade on this quiz but I do not care.  I quiz rather often and I just need my own comprehensive idea of where their understanding actually is so that I can re-adjust my teaching/lessons so that we can move on at the appropriate time.  They have definitely not had enough time with v-t graphs but we will work on that next week.

Grading Scale

About sciencenuetzel

I am a husband, father of two sons, and physics teacher. My interests include physics, math, technology, food, board games, and following Christ.
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